American Towman ShowPlace - Las Vegas
Tow Industry Week offers multiple conferences, AT's legendary hospitality, special events, and the American Towman ShowPlace, featuring the industry's top suppliers. This year many activities and the Expo itself, will be inside one of Las Vegas' most unique exposition facilities:South Point Hotel Convention Center.

Co-sponsored by, towing's exclusive online weekly publication, and American Towman Magazine, the industry's leading monthly magazine, American Towman ShowPlace - Las Vegas will put you face to face with suppliers, educators, top trainers, and leading towing professionals from around the world.

There are dispatch, impound, and bookkeeping systems just for towing operations. You'll be able to compare them all on the show floor!

• Looking to streamline lien processing?
There are several companies on the floor who can help you.
• Looking to finally get on board with GPS?
AT ShowPlace has several providers showing their systems on the show floor.
• Looking to purchase a tow truck?
There are several financing companies on the exhibit floor who can approve your credit for purchase on the spot.

South Point Hotel Convention Center
South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa is a resort located in the heart of the premiere southwest Las Vegas valley, just minutes away from the famous Las Vegas Strip. Some of our many amenities include a 16-screen Century Theatre movie complex, 64-lane bowling center and 60 lane tournament bowling plaza and a variety of 11 restaurants that cater to all appetites and tastes. Our Las Vegas casino features a large selection of table games including Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Progressive Fortune Pai-Gow Poker, No Commission Baccarat, Ultimate Texas Hold 'em with Progressive and Three Card Poker with Progressive.

More than 2,200 of the most popular slot and video poker machines featuring ticket-in, ticket-out technology. Our distinctive hotel features spacious rooms and suites with 50 inch view surface with 4k resolution televisions, Point Plush mattresses and Wireless Fidelity throughout. A unique feature to this property is its Equestrian Center, which is the finest horse facility in the country. South Point also has a fabulous 400-seat showroom that features headliner entertainment and dancing to live bands. Stop by the South Point Hotel, Casino and Spa today, we are sure you will want to stay.

Single and double rates are $101 Sunday through Thursday, $171 Friday & Saturday. Price includes Resort Fee. Each additional adult above 2 in the guestroom will incur an additional charge of $20. (Limit 4 persons per room)

Amenities are: wireless internet, fitness center, in-room coffee maker and mini fridge, courtesy airport shuttle and local and toll-free domestic calls.
You can reserve your hotel following registration. Discount deadline March, 29.

Location: 9777 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89183
Exhibit Hours:

Thursday, April 24, 12 Noon - 5 pm

Friday, April 25, 12 Noon - 5 pm

Las Vegas Strip
Considered the most expensive 4 mile stretch in the world, the Las Vegas Strip which is the section of Las Vegas Blvd from Mandalay Bay to the The STRAT Hotel Casino and SkyPod, has some of the world's top hotels and attractions that are uniquely Las Vegas.

Equip yourself with a Vegas map because sightseeing along the Strip is like traveling the world on foot. From the pyramids of Giza (Luxor Hotel), to the Statue of Liberty (New York New York), to the Eiffel Tower in Paris (Paris Las Vegas), to the Colosseum of ancient Rome (Caesars Palace), to the canals of Venice (The Venetian), and everything else in between.
American Towman Academy
The Ultimate Training for Tow Industry Leaders!

Join AT Academy, the premier training and leadership program for road service professionals. Designed for tow business owners, operators, and industry leaders, this program delivers in-depth intelligence on managing operations, leading teams, and growing a successful business.

With AT Academy, you’ll gain:
• Advanced business management strategies for towing professionals
• Leadership training to excel in emergency road service operations
• Exclusive access to all conferences and seminars

Register now to secure your spot!
Early Registration: $150
After April 21, 2025: $225

Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your skills and stay ahead in the industry. Sign up today!

Insurance Crisis - How the Insurance Game is Really Played and What You Can Do About It
In 2009, two plaintiff attorneys came up with a ground breaking strategy to sue big trucks that completely changed the game. Insurance companies have lost staggering amounts of money ever since…and they are taking you down with them. This seminar will shed light on how the insurance game is really played….and what you can do to fight back before it’s too late.
Jamey Satawa, Marsh McLennan. Friday, April 25, 8 am
Training for Risk Management
Open to Owners, Operations/ Safety Managers, General Managers - Only!
Hear from ERSCA's Director of Training on how to manage your risks effectively through communication and comprehensive training. Listen in as "essential" elements of training and their consistency affect operator safety and reduce organizational risk.
Shane Coleman, ERSCA. Thursday, April 24, 11 am
Busting the Myths and Understanding your Insurance Coverage
Insurance coverage is one of the biggest concerns for owners and managers. Do I have the right coverage? How do I keep my premium from going up? Why is my insurance paying on a claim that I think they should fight? Come and learn from WreckMaster Instructors and our partners in the Insurance industry TowMax, how to turn your insurance company into your greatest ally in the fight to be efficient, profitable and successful in today's towing and recovery market.
Bear Godfrey,WreckMaster & Collin Lester, TowMax Ins. Friday, April 25, 11 am
"Risk" is a Four-Letter Word
It's "fact" the industry has its inherent risks. So, why do towers intentionally put themselves in harm’s way by side stepping common sense and proper techniques? This fast-paced seminar examines 100-plus photos of towers demonstrating careless, complacent, and downright ignorant actions and techniques; many considered illegal and not industry acceptable.
Randall Resch, American Towman. Friday, April 25, 11 am
Streamlining Tow Company Operations: Using Technology and AI for Efficiency
Learn how technology and AI can streamline daily office tasks such as paperwork, customer communication, and recovery invoicing, giving you more time in your day. Designed with tow companies in mind, these tools bring efficiency and simplicity to everyday repetitive tasks.
Jade Fickert. Wednesday, April 23, 10 am
Bid Response to Law Enforcement & Government Contracts
So, ya’ wanna’ tow for law enforcement or government contracts? Towman’s, Randall Resch, presents, “Bid Response 101”, with focus to the nuts, bolts and hurdles necessary to competing open bid processes. Consideration to formal contracts begins by responding to RFPs, invitations and (bid) offerings.
Randall Resch, American Towman. Thursday, April 24, 11 am
TOWING 101: by Malik Stuckey of Universal Towing LLC, Baltimore, MD
Building a Strong Foundation for Success: A Comprehensive Seminar for Tow Businesses. An immersive seminar designed to equip tow businesses owners and managers with a clear understanding of industry future trends, challenges, and opportunities. Gain practical knowledge to improve operations, marketing, payroll, dispatching, and customer relations. Learn how to create valuable connections and devise a comprehensive plan to drive growth, efficiency, and profitability. Explore options for exiting your business, including succession planning and other strategies.
Malik Stuckey, Universal Towing. Thursday, April 24, 8 am
Why You Don't Join Your State Towing Association
Are you a towing industry professional wondering if joining your state’s towing association is worth it? In this thought-provoking seminar, we’ll explore the key reasons why many towing business owners choose to bypass joining their state associations and what they may be missing out on.
Angela Roper, Arizona Professional Towing & Recovery Association. Thursday, April 24, 8 am
Understanding your Rights and Obligations Under the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
This seminar will provide you with the information you need to be compliant with the SCRA. Understanding and applying the law will help you avoid having the US Attorney General or your state’s attorney general from filing a lawsuit against you and costing you tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and penalties. The law is challenging to apply. However, there are no exceptions that exempt tow operators from compliance with the SCRA.
Peter Lukevich, Service Member Data LLC. Friday, April 25, 8 am
Company Policies – Are Yours Defensible?
Join American Towman Business Editor, Brian Riker, as he discusses recent trends in litigation focusing on poor company handbook policies. Do you have a employee handbook, and if so, did you create it with your specific needs in mind or did you just “borrow” a handbook from someone else and change the name at the top of the page? Find out how dangerous not having a custom-made handbook, or not following your own policies, is in today’s courtroom and what you can do to protect yourself from the inevitable lawsuit or workers compensation claim.
Brian Riker, American Towman. Friday, April 25, 10 am
Lawsuit Protection, Tax Reduction & Estate Planning for Towing & Recovery Owners
Is your financial house in order? Discover the tools towing & recovery owners can use to become invincible to lawsuits, save thousands in taxes, and achieve financial peace of mind. By the end of the presentation you will know how to: Protect 100% of your assets from lawsuits. Save thousands of dollars each year in taxes. Avoid probate and eliminate all estate taxes. It takes a lifetime to accumulate your assets. Take the time to protect them.
Larry Oxenham, American Society for Asset Protection. Friday, April 25, 10 am
Beyond the Breakdown: Turning a Tow Call into a Loyal Customer
Whether it’s an accident or a dead battery, a heavy truck or minivan, you are out there helping motorists in their time if need. Each day your phone is ringing with opportunity, and whether that next call comes from a motor club, a cash call generated from your advertising, or another source, there may be potential lurking just below the surface. This seminar is ideal for towing company owners and dispatchers. Don't miss this chance to learn how to transform a roadside breakdown into a valuable opportunity for your business!
Jared Fischgrund & Chris Blake. OMG Tow Marketing. Thursday, April 24, 9 am
Estimating Total Recovery Resistance
Successfully recovering a casualty back to the roadway requires an accurate estimation of the total amount of recovery resistance that must to be overcome. The recovery path surface and grade as well as the rolling resistance of the tires will create resistance to the movement of the casualty. Estimating the total amount of resistance is paramount to avoid overloading of your equipment and ensuring your recovery operation is successful.
Terry Abejuela, American Towman. Thursday, April 24, 9 am
Insurance and Spill Debris Cleanup – Winning the Battle
Cleanup in compliance with the law; Quantum Merit, and other valuable information. We cover the law, tow service agreements, insurers, and cleanup and reporting actions to assure growth and profitability. Also resources for on scene procedures when confronted with damaged EV’s.
Jim Figueira, Environmental Chemical Solutions. Thursday, April 24, 10 am
Effective Lockout Techniques
Explores How To Safely Unlock Vehicles. Techniques Focus On Damage Prevention And Explain Key Tool Types.
Raul Rapoza, Automobile Club of Southern California. Friday, April 25, 8 am
A Clean & Compliant VSF Facility Includes Safety in EV Storage
(1.5 hrs) Know the regulatory rules and compliance. Small changes in your good housekeeping can prove to be an asset instead of a liability. Know the hazards and solutions when storing damaged Electric Vehicles and the billing potential they possess.
Jim Figueira, Environmental Chemical Solutions. Friday, April 25, 11 am - 12:30 am
Breaking Down the Donnie's
Each year at the American Towman Exposition in Baltimore we celebrate exceptional recoveries at the Donnie Cruse Memorial Awards Luncheon. Now, join us as we take some of those recoveries and do a deep dive on what made them so great. What are the things that those teams of operators did that allowed them to be successful in such unique circumstances? What lessons can we take from them on techniques, equipment, and team dynamics that can make each of us as operators and owners better. Come and join this round table discussion of jobs from the past that can make us better tomorrow.
Team WreckMaster. Friday, April 25, 10 am
Light Duty Rollovers 101
Performing a safe, efficient and effective rollover technique is critical to removing vehicles from the roadway quickly to return traffic to normal and reduce the potential for secondary incidents. Knowledge of your equipment and the physics of center of gravity, friction and the application of force are required to accomplish this task successfully. Essential Equipment, the standard, the reverse and the California rollover techniques will be discussed.
Terry Abejuela, American Towman. Friday, April 25, 9 am
EV Hazards Overview and the Aftermath for Towing and Recovery
Energy Security Agency will present a brief overview of potential hazards tow operators will face when interacting with hybrid and electric vehicles, then how to handle the EV after the initial incident. Energy Security Agency will also present solutions for after the incident, what happens when the vehicle is brought back to the tow yard and how to help protect your organization, your tow operators and a variety of solutions to common hurdles the Tow Operators/Owners are facing.
Don Snider, Energy Security Agency. Friday, April 25, 9 am
The Business & Economics of Owning a Rotator
Thinking about getting a rotator? Many tow companies are enjoying the benefits and added business that a rotator brings to their bottom line. Is it the right investment for you? This 50 minute seminar tells you everything you need to know.
Eric Fouquette, Big Wheel Towing. Wednesday, April 23, 9 am
Simple Marketing: Revenge of the Little Guy
In this session Drew Wash will share his Two Bucket Marketing strategy. You'll learn how to get your name out there and then be the company that customers choose. The bonus is that you'll not have to share your revenue with big business.
Drew Wash, Thursday, April 24, 8 am
Justifying Your Rates – Why How You Get to Your Number Matters
Join American Towman Business Editor, Brian Riker, as he discusses generally accepted accounting principles and the thought process behind how to defend your rates for services and specialty equipment. There is much more to it than just mimicking what the company down the street charges or what you feel your services are worth. With towing under a microscope, the time has come to think strategically about how defensible you are when challenged in court. It is not if, but when, the lawsuits will come.
Brian Riker, American Towman. Thursday, April 24, 10 am
Digital Marketing for Your Towing Company
Learn the ins and outs of Google, Facebook, and websites in order to make sure your company is doing all that it can online! The team at OMG Tow Marketing will teach you how to leverage the internet to create more calls for your business.
Jared Fischgrund & Chris Blake, OMG Tow Marketing. Friday, April 25, 9 am
From Operator To Owner
Recruiting, hiring and getting people on board to help your business run smoother and boost profits.
Jim Saeli, DRIVE. Thursday, April 24, 11 am
Independent Courses/Meetings/Workshops
Recovery Billing Course - 8 Hour Training
Presented by Eric Fouquette and the Recovery Billing Team.

Part I - Thursday, April 24, 9 am - 1 pm - 4 Hours classroom
Part II - Friday, April 25, 9 am - 1 pm - 4 Hours classroom

You have spent hundreds of thousands on equipment…it's time to invest in a course designed to teach you how to invoice efficiently, stop settling, and get paid! After years of trial, error, and missed payment opportunities, we now know exactly what needs to be done to get paid for recovery work, how to navigate the various insurance/private payer routes and what triggers each to get paid time and time again. In this course, you learn in two days what took us 40+ years to acquire. The Recovery Billing Course will show you how to overcome recovery billing & collection obstacles that can be rectified with the proper education and systems. Join our elite network of thousands of tower owners and managers who've taken the course!

You'll learn:
• Foundational Principles: Handbooks, policies, safety, insurance needs, and more.
• Documenting the Scene from Start to Finish.
• Drafting the Documentation Packet.
• Laws to Help Get Paid: Expert towing & recovery attorneys educate on the main reasons for claim denial (AND how to overcome them).
• How to Bill: Learn how to get paid on various types of insurances: collision, property damage liability, home owners, and more!
• How NOT to Bill: Learn how to avoid mistakes and spot objections before they happen!
• How to Navigate an Insurance Claim: Learn how to navigate various insurance processes and how to work with the vehicle owner and the payer, not against them.
• Negotiation strategies: How to respond to things like “sorry, that’s not covered” and “we never pay that” - you’re going to be fully prepared when it comes to communicating with payers.

Amount $2,500 per person, then up to an additional 4 employees for $1,500/each.

ERSCA - Kito Crosby 4-Hour Rigging Training (Open to All Attendees)
This rigging training will benefit operators in every application. Keying in on industry standard rigging and attachments, operators will gain knowledge in assessment, planning, and load control with a focus on sling use, inspection, and utilizing load a load cell to show "real time" decision making.

Classroom: 3 Hours
Hands-on: 1 Hour

Presented by Kito Crosby, North American Training Manager - Bob Kozickie and Shane Coleman - ERSCA National Director of Training.

Independent Course - $325 advance registration per person. $395 starting April 21, save $70 by registering now!
Wednesday, April 23, 8 am - 12 Noon

ERSCA - Kito Crosby 4-hour Cargo Securement Training
Building off the foundation of transportation standards, "cargo securement" as it relates to the towing industry is a daily occurrence. Operators will be given instruction and guidance on a working knowledge of FMCSA and 49 CFR standards. Built into this training will be subjects like: Direct vs. Indirect tie downs, tie down angle tensions, load specific applications and tie down inspection.

Classroom: 2.5 Hours
Hands-on: 1.5 Hours

Presented by Kito Crosby -North American Training Manager - Bob Kozickie and Shane Coleman - ERSCA National Director of Training.

Independent Course - $325 advance registration per person. $395 starting April 21, save $70 by registering now!
Wednesday, April 23, 1 pm - 5 pm

WreckMaster’s Accessing and Applying Air to Heavy Towing
Air Systems are a critical component to heavy commercial vehicles. Often, a failure in the air system is the reason for needing towing service. This course will give you a general understanding of how air systems work and where to attack the most common issues that we face out on the roadside, and also some tips and techniques for those odd and hard to deal with jobs that eat up time, energy, and profitability.

Independent Course - $300 per person advance registration and $400 starting April 21. Save $100 by registering now
Presented by Dave Fultz, WreckMaster. Thursday, April 24, 8 am - 11 am

David Fultz
Bio coming soon.
Recovery Business Success
A special two-hour course geared towards the business end of recovery. Three crucial steps for recovery business success will be covered: Documenting the Recovery; Billing the Recovery; and Collecting on the Recovery Invoice.

Independent Course - $250 per person advance registration and $350 starting April 21. Save $100 by registering now!
Presented by Ron Myers, Pine Tree Towing. Friday, April 25, 9 am - 11 am

American Towman Quick Clearance Certification Course
Arm your company and its tow operators with accepted quick clearance methods, on-scene incident management preparation, essential communications with police and fire command. Test follow two-hour course, require for American Towman Quick Clearance certification card.

Independent Course - $75 per person advance registration and $150 starting April 21. Save $75 by registering now!
Thursday, April 24, 8 am – 10 am

Ron Myers • Pine Tree Towing & Recovery, Association of Professional Towers of Ohio
Ron is an award-winning towing recovery-plus transport specialist, with more than 35 years of experience. Ron is a recognized professional tower and is an active Operations Manager at Pine Tree Towing and Recovery in Cambridge, OH. He is the President and founding member of Quick Clear Professionals of Ohio, and an instructor for Quick Clear and TIM principles and procedures.

Ron was a founding member for the Association of Professional Towers-Ohio, and is the current president of the Police Towers of America. He was appointed to Ohio’s Governor’s Traffic Safety Council in 2021, and currently serves on Ohio’s Traffic Incident Management Steering Committee.
NEW! From Operator to Owner: Work on Your Business, Not in It!
Owning a tow company, a repair shop, or both can be incredibly rewarding—but let’s face it, it’s also challenging. In the beginning, you’re the one doing it all. From answering phones to managing operations, you’re in the driver’s seat every minute of the day. But how do you shift from simply running your business to building the thriving, sustainable operation you’ve always envisioned? How do you create a business that works for you, rather than feeling like you’re constantly wrestling a wild animal? Take the first step toward freedom—join this class and start building the business you’ve always dreamed of!

Independent Course - $150 per person advance registration and $250 starting April 21. Save $100 by registering now!

Presented by Jim Saeli, DRIVE. Wednesday, April 23, 8 am -11 am

Education and Hands-on Training
The nation's top trainers and speakers are here to give you a top-tier learning experience. Hands-on and classroom experience with WreckMaster Rotator Training, as well as in-depth courses such as Recovery Billing, Recovery Business Success, American Towman Quick Clearance Certification, and more.

Allstate Roadside Education will be held in the Exhibit Hall FREE during show floor hours.

WreckMaster Rotator Training
Industry's Premier Rotator Training with WreckMaster Instructors

FEE REQUIRED: $795 per person advance registration and $895 starting April 21. Save $100 by registering now!

Part I & II • Wed, April 23
8 am - 12 Noon (4 Hours Classroom)
1 pm - 5 pm (4 Hours Hands-On)

Part III • Thursday, April 24
8 am - 12 Noon (4 Hours Classroom)
Fee also includes Friday Carte Blanche Passport

WreckMaster instructors Bruce Campbell & Jeff Martin will conduct an exclusive 12-hour of classroom and hands-on training course on rotator recovery at the South Point Hotel & Casino.

• Introduction of Lead Instructor, assistances and students
• Set Course goals and objectives
• Overview of WreckMaster program

• Positioning the truck
• Leveling the truck
• Recommended distances- Utilities Overhead & Underground
• Recommended cribbing
• Safety in General
• Ground Loads
• Calculating Out-rigger Loads

• Determining the weight
• Shock Loads
• Cause and effect of tipping
• Determining the COG “Center of Gravity”

• Calculating “Load Capacity”
• Calculating “Boom Top Load”

• General overview
• Wire Rope, Synthetic & Chain Bridles
• Calculating Bridle Leg Lengths
• Calculating Bridle Leg Loads
• Selecting the Correct Rigging for the job
• PPE “Personal Proction Equipment”
• Operator Training
• Rigging Training
• Site Supervisor Training

NEW! ERSCA - If it fits, DOES IT SHIP?! - Wrecker and Carrier Operations for Standard Duty - How to make it work.
Split between 2 intensive sessions, operators will do an in-depth look into tasking towing and transport of today's vehicles. Each session will deal with increasing efficiency while mitigating the risks. Implementing some of the latest technology, subjects will include, loading, equipment capacities and tips to make each job run effectively and easier. All of this training will be live hands-on training.

Presented by Shane Coleman - ERSCA National Director of Training.
4/24 Session A : 2 hours, 8 am - 10 am (Hands-On)
4/25 Session B : 2 hours, 8 am - 10 am (Hands-On)

Independent Course - $325 advance registration per person. $395 starting April 21, save $70 by registering now!

Allstate Roadside Education
Join the Allstate Roadside Education Team in Las Vegas! We will be on stage with towing professionals like you, sharing tips, tricks, and detailed technical information to help you load vehicles safely and quickly. Email us at for more information. We look forward to seeing you in April!

Thursday, April 24
Time Safety and Technical Sessions Presenter
12:30 pm Towing Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicle roadside service tips and best practices
Paul Stephens
1:30 pm Increase your Towing Skills

Developing operators with training programs that cultivate a problem solving mindset
Paul Stephens
2:30 pm Navigating Dangerous Scenes

Essential skills and techniques to safely clear hazardous towing situations
Brian Riker
3:30 pm Your Best Damage Defense

Tools and strategies to protect your company against damage claims
Mike Farmer
Friday, April 25
Time Safety and Technical Sessions Presenter
12:30 pm Roadside the Safe Way

Minimize dangers on the roadside with proper training on situational awareness, clearing the roadway quickly and safely
Paul Stephens
1:30 pm Preventing Damage Claims

Best practices to avoid damage claims that can minimize your profits
Paul Stephens
2:30 pm Building a Winning Towing Company

Industry best practices that help owners identify and avoid common pitfalls
Brian Riker
3:30 pm Electric Vehicle Basics

What every tower should know about transporting electric vehicles safely
Mike Farmer

Click the menu items to see more information about each training.

Special Events
VIP Desert Smoke, Cactus Feast
Pie Palooza, and More.

American Towman Expositions are more than just tow shows; our Legendary Hospitality puts us a cut above the rest! Prepare for our networking opportunities, parties, and more.

American Towman Cactus Feast - Welcome Reception
The AT ShowPlace Cactus Feast Welcome Reception will be bigger and better than ever! Relax and enjoy a variety of premium meats and meet up with old friends and make new ones, as we get ready to enjoy the best Tow Show in the West. A perfect way to relax after traveling!

FREE Event • Concourse/Arena
Wednesday, April 23, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Sponsored by:

The Desert Smoke: VIP Cigar Smoker
Join us poolside for a relaxing evening of drinks, cigars and great company.

includes 2 premium cigars & 1 drink

South Point Hotel Poolside Gazebo
Thursday, April 24, 7 pm - 9 pm

Sponsored by:

Encore ACE Awards for 2024 ACEs
Join us in recognizing your fellow Tow companies who were nominated by motor clubs and call providers for being in the top 1% of towing operations for service excellence, reliability and professionalism, as they receive the prestigious Towman ACE award. Recipients are presented with the exclusive ACE Buckle Award by representatives of Allstate Roadside, GEICO, NSD and Agero.

South Point Concourse
Friday, April 25, 2pm


Pie Palooza
Join us on the Exhibit Hall Show Floor for Pie Palooza! Choose from a variety of your favorite pies and enjoy as you continue through the west coast’s premier towing trade show.

Exhibit Hall
Friday, April 25, 4 pm

Sponsored by:

Click the menu items to see more information about each event.

CTTA Dinner & Comedy Show
Thursday, April 24, 2025
Ballroom B - South Point
6:00 pm - No Host Bar Cocktail Reception. 6:30 pm Lights Down, Show Begins.

Tickets $120 Per Person • VIP Tickets $160 Per Person - Limited Tickets

Join us for an evening like no other! Back again and NO holds barred is Comedian Vinny Favorito - always unfiltered!

A special part of the evening will include the induction of this year's Industry Leaders into CTTA.

Business Attire Required (No T- Shirts, Shorts or Reflective Gear)
Must be 18 and over to attend.
For additional information call or text Mike Paim at 559-741-5353

Legislative and EV Round Table
Friday April 25, 10 am - 11:30 am
Hosted By CTTA & American Towman
Open to all attendees
Presented By:

AT Store, Travel & Services
American Towman Store
Don't forget to stop by the American Towman Store to get your AT ShowPlace Official merchandise


American Towman legion
As an attendee you earn a merit-based membership in the American Towman Legion, no fees or strings attached.

You will be able to reserve hotel accommodations through South Point Hotel & Spa after you have completed your registration. After this cut-off date, you may contact the hotel directly for reservations and/or changes to existing reservations. Please note that American Towman does not authorize hotels or housing agents to call you – so beware of scammers!

For show information please contact:
Return to
AT ShowPlace • April 23-25, 2025
South Point Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV.
American Towman | | AT Expositions
Exhibitor Information,
Registration & Hotels